
Farewell to the President of the Board of the Foundation

Irena Rogowska died after a long and serious illness on 7.11.2018.

From 2011 she was the chairwoman of the Coalition „Development YES - Open Pit Mines NO” and in the years 2006 - 2014 the mayor of Lubin commune.

For a decade Ms. Rogowska has been the undisputed leader of the civic movement against open pit lignite mines, first in the Legnica region and then in the whole Poland.

In 2009, she initiated the largest local referendum in the history of free Poland against the open pit mine of deposit "Legnica", co-founded the Social Committee "Stop Odkrywce" and the Coalition "RT-ON".

In 2015, she became the founder and the President of the Board of the Foundation "Development YES - Open Pit Mines NO", the aim of which is and will remain to stop plans to build new open pit mines and to help the people harmed by the mines.

Honor her memory.

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