
This year’s 120 Coal Plant Developers List - an analysis.

On October 4th, 2018, Urgewald has revealed this year’s 120 Coal Plant Developers List. An analysis of the global coal power expansion pipeline

and the industry’s strategy in different regions and countries provide interesting new insights. Our research shows that the fight against global coal is not yet won.

Every new coal plant is a further nail in the coffin of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Database: Companies on Coal Expansion Course

Investments in new coal power capacity are incompatible with the Paris climate goals as each new coal plant locks-in high CO2 emissions for decades to come. This database

identifies the world’s top 120 coal plant developers. The divestment of these companies is crucial if we want to limit global warming to 1.5°C.  

Sources: The main source for this data was CoalSwarm’s "Global Coal Plant Tracker", which we complemented with company-related research.  

Using the Database: You can customize this database by applying filters, changing the order of the list or searching for specific company names. For the full Coal Plant Developers

list, including further information on subsidiaries, please visit the https://coalexit.org/

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